The Most Excellent Blessings
The most preferred blessings (Durood) are those which Allah's Beloved sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught when asked by his companions radhiyallahu anhum.
"Khaleel-ullah" and "Habeeb-ullah"
declared Hadhrat Ibraaheem alayhis salaam as His friend -- and the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as His beloved. Allah's blessings on them are therefore based on
special love. It is a fact that all matters founded on love are
sublime and ecstatic.
The relationship between
friendship ("Khaleel-ullah") and love ("Habeeb-ullah")
is obvious, therefore blessings on the Holy Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam are compared to the blessings on Hadhrat Ibraaheem
alayhis salaam.
The wordings of the blessings have slight variations and have reached us through authentic Ahaadeeth.
Seeking Allah's blessings for the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is decreed by the Almighty. Hence the multiplication of rewards is expected through the recitation of blessings.
The righteous Ulamaa have commented that 'Allaahumma' stands for all the Beautiful Names of Allah. Likewise, 'Hameed-um-Majeed' connotes all His Attributes of Grace and Majesty. The readers are advised to remember these meanings while reciting Salaat-e-Ibraaheemi for greater benefit and joy.