'Eid means recurring happiness or festivity. The 'Eid prayer is very important for all Muslims. It has the merits of the dory prayers, the effect of the weekly convention (Jumu'ah) and the characteristics of annual reunions between Muslims. There are two such 'Eids.
The first is called 'Eid-ul-Fitr (the Festival of Fast Breaking). It falls on the first day of Shawwaal, the tenth month of the Muslim year, following the month of Ramadhaan in which the Quraan was revealed and which is the month of fasting.
The second is called 'Eid-ul-Adh'haa (the Festival of sacrifice). It falls on the tenth day of Zil-Hijjah, the last month of the Muslim year.
The Islaamic 'Eids are unique in every way. To them there can be nothing similar in any other religion or any other socio-political system. Besides their highly spiritual and moral characteristics, they have matchless qualities:
Each 'Eid is a wholesome celebration of a remarkable achievement of the individual Muslim in the service of Allah.
The first 'Eid comes after an entire month of "absolute" fasting during the days of the month.
The second 'Eid marks the completion of Hajj to Makkah, a course in which the Muslim handsomely demonstrates his renouncement of the mundane concerns and hearkens only to the Eternal voice of Allah.