The Aadaab of Intercession
The way adopted to intercede (on behalf of another) should not in any way curtail the liberty of the one with whom you are interceding. Nowadays, intercession is in fact compulsion. Indirect pressure is applied. A man will take advantage of his prominence or rank to compel another to submit to his request. This is not intercession. Such intercession is not permissible.
If someone extracts service, etc. from another on the strength of his relationship with a man of prominence or rank and it becomes discernable that the service or aid is not offered freely and wholeheartedly, but has been forthcoming solely on account of the relationship which the taker of the service en joys with so rue prominent person, then acceptance of such aid or service is unlawful. As a result of the relationship, the one who supplies the aid entertains the notion that if he does not provide the requested assistance, the man of prominence will be displeased. Thus to make a request to someone to fulfil a need or supply some aid on this basis is Haraam (unlawful).
In any matter, intercession should not be made without having made investigation.
It will be permissible to intercede on behalf of another if the work or deed happens to be a Waajib (compulsory) act.
It is not permissible to impose any kind of pressure, direct or indirect, on the person to whom the intercession is directed.
In actual fact, intercession (Sifaarish) is a branch of Mashwarah (advice) which cannot be imposed on anyone.
If a person rejects the intercession, he will be acting fully within his rights. It is improper to take offence if one's intercession is not accepted.
If by indications one realises that the intercession cannot be rejected, e.g. the person is under some obligation, hence he has no alternative other than complying, then such intercession is not permissible.
The Aadaab of Training Children