The Aadaab of Things in General Use
Anything which is used by a number of persons should be replaced in its original place after use. Replace it in the same place from where you have taken it so that someone else does not have to search for it when required.
Having used an item, e.g. a chair, do not leave it in the way or in a place where it becomes an obstacle for others.
When giving someone an item, do not throw it at him from a distance. Give it in his hand.
When passing something heavy, hot or a liquid or food to another, do not pass it over someone's head. Perhaps it may slip.
If a needle becomes stuck in the cloth while sewing, do not pull it out with your teeth. It may break and hurt you.
Do not leave a needle or any sharp or dangerous item on a chair or bed. Somebody may sit or lie on it.
Do not pick your teeth with a needle or knife. This is dangerous.
Do not suddenly lift a stone which has been lying in the same spot for a while. Sometimes a scorpion, etc., may be concealed thereunder.
Do not throw peels or any other harmful objects in the pathway or road.
During winter, wear suitable garments to give warmth. Many females wear insufficient garments during winter. This causes either colds or fever.
Before lying down to sleep, dust the bedding with a cloth. Sometimes harmful insects settle in the blankets.
After having eaten, do not leave without having removed the food. It is disrespectful to leave the food and move off. First send away the food, then get up.
Left-overs which you are not able to eat, and crumbs, should not be thrown into the dust-bin. Birds and animals eat such food. Put it in a place where animals and birds may acquire it.
Do not throw away a lighted match. First extinguish it.
Do not leave a burning lamp unattended at home. If no one is present, extinguish it.
When handling dangerous items, such as a burning candle, boiling water, hot oil, etc., be very careful. (Some people are in a careless habit of leaving a cup of hot tea / water at the edge of the table. A small child may grab it and spill the boiling contents on himself. Women are in the careless and dangerous habit of leaving cooking utensils with their handles protruding from stoves. A passing person may bump against the handle and spill the contents with grave consequences).
Do not purchase unnecessary crockery or utensils. This is wasteful.
Always keep a stock of essential medicines at home.
Along a journey, do not eat foods given by a stranger.
On a journey, do not accept responsibility of caring for the goods or anything of strangers, nor undertake to deliver any letter or parcel for them.
Take additional money with you on a long journey.
If you are in debt, then remember to pay immediately when you can afford something. Pay whatever you are able to.
Do not give such large loans which will put you into difficulties in the event of non-payment.
Do not use medicine without it having been prescribed by a qualified physician, especially eye-drops.
Safeguard and treat with care an object which you have borrowed. After use, return it immediately. Do not wait for the owner to request the return of the item.
Do not use the articles of others without their permission. To do so is sinful. However, if someone did commit this sin, he should return the item to its original place so that the owner experiences no difficulty in locating it.
Have fixed places for your things. Always replace them in their fixed places after use.
Do not lift very heavy objects. Many people suffer life-long ailment and physical dislocation as a result of having lifted very heavy burdens in their younger days. In this regard, women should exercise exceptional care.
Do not throw anything, e.g. a pebble, in playfulness. It may strike someone in the eye or hurt another.
If you have to pass in a gathering with a sharp instrument, keep the point or sharp edge down, covered or concealed to avoid accidental injury to anyone.
Do not, in jest, point a sharp instrument to anyone. This is dangerous and forbidden.
Do not give an open knife in someone's hand. Place it down so that he may lift it himself.
If a hard-pressed person offers an item for sale, do not take advantage of his situation to acquire the article at a ridiculous price. Either aid him or purchase it for a fair price.
Do not cut off a tree which provides shade and rest for people or animals, especially if the tree is not your property. By doing so, people and animals are put to hardship. This results in Azaab (Divine punishment).
The thawaab for giving people insignificant items such as salt or a match to light the fire, is as much as the thawaab one can obtain by preparing the whole meal for another.
Giving a drink of water to someone in a place where water is available in abundance is the equivalent in thawaab of having emancipated a slave. Giving water in a place where water is scarce is equal in thawaab to reviving a dead person.
Do not sleep on a balcony or roof which has no protecting barrier around it.
Do not sit with part of your body in the sun and part in the shade.
Do not sleep on your stomach.
When a morsel of food falls from your hand, pick it up, clean it and eat it. Do not discard it in pride. Food is the Ni'mat from the Divine Court. Respect it and be grateful.
When eating such food which does not require the use of all the fingers, use only two fingers with the thumb. After having eaten, lick the fingers and clean the plate with the fingers. Do not leave crumbs and morsels in the plate or scattered on the cloth. In cleaning the fingers in this way, barakah increases.
It should be impressed on every member of the household that whenever something, e.g. food, is presented by someone, they should return the utensils immediately.
The Aadaab of a Promise