Arrange To Pay All Debts and All Responsibilities
- If you have monetary debts, repay and settle
all debts or alternatively make
arrangements for your debts to
be paid.
- If you are responsible for any moral transgression,
then fulfill your debt or have it waived, and have your moral violations forgiven. It is important that one settles all outstanding matters and transactions, and has his faults and shortcomings
- All Amaanaat
(trusts) and anything borrowed must be
returned. A detailed and final will must be made regarding all important matters.
- If certain things are left in your trust, return those items to
the owners or make arrangements for them to be looked
after in your absence.
- Make suitable arrangements for the maintenance of all
those for whom you are responsible (wife,
children and all dependents) until
the time you return to them.
Take with you Halaal Earnings
- Take with you Halaal earnings which shall be
sufficient to last and maintain you for the full journey to the Blessed Places, your residing there and your
journey back.
- In fact you should take the precaution of having something more than the normal needs,
so that you may be in a position to assist needy ones on
the way and to serve those who may be in need of it.
Perform Two
Something in Charity
Meet all Your
Friends and Relatives