It is absolutely clear that the significance of the day of Aashoorah is from the time of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. However, many people regard this day as the day of mourning the martyrdom of Hadhrat Husayn radhiyallahu anhu. The martyrdom of Hadhrat Husayn radhiyallahu anhu was indeed a great tragedy but Islaam is not a religion of perpetual mourning. Abu Saeed radhiyallahu anhu relates that Rasullullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has cursed mourners and those who listen to them (attentively). (Abu Dawood)

The pages of Islaamic History are filled with the blood of the martyrs. Should we begin to mourn the martyrdom of the Sahaabah alone, every other day would be a day of mourning. Thus, to attribute the significance of Aashoorah to the martyrdom of HadhratHusayn radhiyallahu anhu is baseless. Therefore, the host of baseless customs with regard to his martyrdom must be discarded.

Shaykh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi writes: Beware! Do not participate in the innovations of the Rawaafidh. Do not involve yourself in the mourning, lamenting and displaying grief. This is not the conduct of the Muslims. If mourning was permissible then the day of the demise of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam would have been more worthy for (mourning and lamenting). Also, refrain from innovations of the Khawaarij (those who harbour hatred for the family of Rasullullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Similarly, refrain from the innovations of the ignorant because they oppose ruin with destruction, innovations with innovations and evil with sin and show great joy and happiness in it. They regard the tenth of Muharram as the day of Eid. They indulge in adornment and dying of the hair and beard, applying surmah (collyrium), wearing new clothes, spending lavishly, and cooking various foods and khitchra (a certain type of food) which are not generally prepared. All these actions are regarded as sunnah according to their belief, where as the true sunnah is to shun all these useless practices, since no authentic narration sanctioning and permitting such actions can be found. (Maa thabata bis sunnah Page 20-21)

Shaykh Abdul Haqq further writes a detailed list of the various beliefs about the significance of the day of Aashoorah; many of them being quoted even in our time; and concludes by saying: "All the above are fabrications." (Maa thabata bis sunnah Page 21)

Let us observe this great day according to the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Sahaabah radhiyallahu anhum and refrain from all innovations which deprive us of the blessings from Allah Ta’aala. May Allah guide us all upon the Straight Path and save us from every act which brings His displeasure.  Aameen.