However, it was the characteristic of all copies of the Noble Qur'aan made
during the days of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) that they were either written on
different available writing surfaces, for instance, a verse would appear on parchment,
another on tree leaf and yet another on a bone; or they were not complete copies. One
Companion would have only a single Soorah in his record while someone else would have five
or ten soorahs and some others will have only few verses. Then there were Companions having in
their possession explanatory sentences as well along with the text of the verses.
On these grounds, Aboo Bakr (radhiyallahu anhu), during his
tenure of Khilaafah, thought it necessary to bring together all these scattered units of the Qur'aan and thus
have them preserved. The motives and the methods behind this great achievement of his have
been explained in detail by Zayd
Ibne Thaabit
anhu); he says:
"One day, soon after the Battle of Yamaamah, Aboo Bakr (radhiyallahu anhu) sent a message calling me. When I reached him, 'Umar
(radhiyallahu anhu) was present
there. Aboo Bakr
anhu) said to me, 'Umar has just come now and he tells me that a
large group of Huffaaz (those who had committed the Qur'aan to memory) have been
martyred in the Battle of Yamaamah. If the Huffaaz of the Noble Qur'aan
continue to meet their martyrdom in this manner, I am afraid a large portion of the Qur'aan may just
go extinct. So, in my view, you should begin the task of having the Qur'aan collected
together under your order.' I said to "Umar
(radhiyallahu anhu), 'How can we do what the noble Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) himself did not do?' 'Umar
(radhiyallahu anhu)
replied, 'By Allah, this is for nothing but good.' After that, this is what "Umar
(radhiyallahu anhu)
continued telling me, until I too started seeing the truth, and now, my view was the same
as 'Umar's.
After that Aboo Bakr
(radhiyallahu anhu)
said to me, 'You are young, and intelligent. We have no doubts about you. You have been
working as a scribe of wahee as well under the supervision of the Messenger of Allah
(sallallahu alayhi
wasallam), so you search and collect the verses of the noble Qur'aan."
Zayd Ibne
Thaabit (radhiyallahu
anhu) says, "By Allah, had these blessed people commanded me
to haul some mountain, that would have been much less weightier than this duty of
collecting the Qur'aan. I said to them, 'How are you doing something that the noble Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) did not do?' Aboo Bakr
(radhiyallahu anhu) said, 'By Allah this is good, nothing but good. After that this is what Aboo Bakr
radhiyallahu anhu kept saying to me again and again until Allah almighty put my heart
at rest for the same view that was the view of Aboo Bakr and 'Umar
(radhiyallahu anhu).
Consequently, I started searching for the verses of the Qur'aan and it was from the
branches of date palms, slabs of stones and hearts of people that I finally collected the
noble Qur'aan." (Bukhaari)
At this point, while we are dealing with the process of
the collection of the Qur'aan, you should have a clear perception of the method used by Zayd Ibne Thaabit (radhiyallahu anhu).
As mentioned earlier, he was himself a Haafiz of the Qur'aan, therefore, he could have
written down the whole Qur'aan from his memory. In addition to that, there were hundreds of Huffaaz present at
that time; the noble Qur'aan could still have been written down by entrusting the duty to a selected group
from out of them.
Also, the copies of the noble Qur'aan committed to writing
during the times of the noble Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) could have been used by Zayd
(radhiyallahu anhu)
to make his copy of the Qur'aan. But he, guided by his caution and concern, did not limit himself to anyone of
the many methods available. On the contrary, by using all these methods simultaneously, he
did not allow any verse to be included in his master copy of the Qur'aan unless he
received written and verbal testimonies proving its uninterrupted succession. In addition
to that, the verses that the noble Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had arranged to be written under his
supervision, were still preserved by the Companions. Zayd
(radhiyallahu anhu) collected
them together so that the new copy be made from them. Consequently, a public proclamation
was made to the effect that anyone possessing any number of written verses of the noble Qur'aan should
bring them over to Zayd
anhu). When a written verse was brought to him by someone, he used
to verify its authenticity by the following methods:
(Fat'hul Baari with reference to Ibne Abi Daawood)
(AI Burhaan fi Uloomil Qur'aan)
If this functional methodology behind the collection of the Qur'aan during
the period of Aboo Bakr (radhiyallahu
anhu) is kept in mind, it would become perfectly simple to
understand what Zayd Ibne
anhu) meant when he said, "I found the last verses of Soorah
Al Baraa'ah - Laqad jaa'akum
rasoolum min anfusikum - with Aboo Khuzaymah
(radhiyallahu anhu) only. They were not found with anyone else except him."
This never means that no person other than Aboo
Khuzaymah (radhiyallahu anhu)
remembered these verses, or somebody else did not have ties in written form, or anyone
other than him did not know of their being part of the Qur'aan. On the contrary, it means
that these verses were not found with anyone from among those who were coming along with
different verses written as dictated by the noble Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
Otherwise, as far as the fact of these verses being part of the Qur'aan is
concerned, everyone knew it in an uninterrupted succession. There were hundreds of
Companions who remembered it as well. Moreover, these were available in writing with
Companions who possessed complete collections of the Qur'aanic verses. But, among those
written separately under the supervision of the noble Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
this verse was found only with Aboo
anhu) and not with anyone else.
(AI Burhaan)
So in every way possible, it was with great caution and concern that Zayd Ibne Thaabit (radhiyallahu anhu),
by collecting the Qur'aanic verses, wrote them out in an organized form on pages of paper.
(Al Itqaan)
But each Soorah was written in separate folios. In the terminology of the Qur'aanic studies, this copy is called "Umm" (literally, 'the mother', meaning 'the original') and it had the following features:
In this copy, the Qur'aanic verses were indeed
arranged in accordance with the order identified by the noble Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam),
but the soorahs were not so arranged, rather they were written separately. (Ibid.)
These folios committed to writing on the orders of Aboo Bakr (radhiyallahu anhu)
remained with him during his lifetime. Then they remained with 'Umar
(radhiyallahu anhu).
After the martyrdom of 'Umar
(radhiyallahu anhu), they were transferred to the custody of Ummul Mu'mineen Hafsah
(radhiyallahu anhaa). After the death of Hafsah
(radhiyallahu anhaa), Marwaan Ibne Hakam had these burnt
since the copies of the Qur'aan ordered by Uthmaan
(radhiyallahu anhu) were ready at that time, and a consensus of the Ummah had already been reached
to the effect that following these copies of the Qur'aan, in script and arrangement of
soorahs, was obligatory. Marwaan Ibne Hakam thought it inadvisable to let any copy which
was contrary to this script and arrangement remain in existence.
(Fathul Baari)
(radhiyallahu anhu)