- If any one, keeping a fast, eats or drinks in forgetfulness or commits sexual inter-course then the fast is not breached even if it is full meal.
- If any one is found eating or drinking in forgetfulness then if such a
person is strong enough to bear the fast he may be reminded about
the fast. But if he is. weak and unable to bear the fast he may not
be reminded and allowed to eat.
- One slept during the day and had a dream which
necessitated a bath, the fast is not broken.
- The use of Kuhl (Surmaa) in the eyes or oiling of hair
and smelling of perfume is permissible in a fast and no harm is
done to it. Even if the colour of Kuhl is found in the saliva or in
the nose, it is not execrable and also does not breach fast.
- Coherence of husband and wife and kissing in a fast
is permissible and in order. But if it may excite passions and they
may indulge in intercourse, then it is execrable.
- If a fly or smoke or dust enters the throat with out
any intention, then the fast is not broken. But if it is done deliberately
then the fast is lost.
- If anyone burnt an-incense near him and smell it
then the fast is lost in the same way the fast is broken by smoking
Huqqa, cigarette or tobacco. It is permissible to smell perfumes of
rose etc. in which there is no smoke.
- If a bit of flesh or betel nut or anything else was
sticking in the teeth and was removed with a tooth-pick and swallowed
without taking it out or went of its own in the throat then if it
was less than a gram the fast is not lost, but if it was equal to
or larger than a gram then the fast is breached. But if the article
is taken out of the mouth and then swallowed the fast is broken
whether it was equal to or less than a gram.
- The fast is not broken by swallowing any quantity
one's own saliva.
- After chewing betel leaf if the mouth has been properly
cleaned and gargled but the redness of the saliva not removed, then
there is no harm and the fast is not broken.
- If bath became essential in the night but did not
bathe or bathed in the day, then the fast is complete. even if one
did not bathe in the day, the fast is not lost but it is a sin in
its own place.
- If anyone sucked the nose or water of the mouth
and it went into the throat, the fast is not lost.
- Anyone slept in the night with a betel-leaf in his
mouth and got up in the morning, then the fast is lost. A compensatory
fast only is due and no re-compensation.
- While gargling water entered the throat of anyone
having knowledge of the fast, then it is lost. A compensatory fast only is due and no
- If anyone vomited involuntarily, then the last is
not lost whether it be small or large in quantity. But if one
vomited intentionally and it was mouthful then the fast is lost and
it was less than mouthful then the fast is not lost.
- If a bit vomit came and returned to the throat or
its own, then the fast is not lost. But it will be lost if returned
intentionally by the person.
- If anyone swallowed a pebble or a piece of iron
or -any such thing which is not usually eaten or used as a medicine,
then the fast is broken but no recompense is essential. But if any
such thing is swallowed which is used as food, drink or medicine,
then the fast is broken and both compensatory fast and recompense
is due
- Sexual inter-course disrupts the fast and both compensatory
fast and recompense become due. The fast is broken when the top of
the penis enters the vagina whether Semen is discharged or not.
- If a man enters his penis in back part (hole) and
its top has entered, then fast of both is lost and compensatory fast and recompense
becomes due on both.
- Recompense is due only on breaking the obligatory fast of the month of
Ramadhaan and not of any other fast in whatever way it may be broken even if it is
compensatory fast of Ramadhaan if it was not intended in the previous night.
- If anyone put some smelling powder in his nose or
oil in the ear or used something in the back bole to facilitate motion though did not
drink any medicine, then the fast is lost. But only compensatory fast and no recompense is
due. The fast is not lost by pouring water in the ear.
- It is not proper for women to put any medicine or oil in their private
part. It disrupts their fast and if done, only compensatory is due and no recompense. Men
can use medicine or oil in their penis.
- If the mid-wife put the finger in the vagina or the
woman herself did it and after taking out the entire or part of the
finger inserted it again, then the fast is broken, but no recompense
will be due. The fast will not be disrupted if the finger was not
put again after taking it out. But if the finger is already wet
with water or anything else then the fast will be disrupted at its first entry.
- If the blood coming out of mouth is swallowed with
the saliva, then the fast is broken. But if the quantity of blood
is less than the saliva and its taste is not felt in the throat then
the fast is not broken.
- The fast is not breached if anyone spot out anything
just after tasting it but it is execrable to do so. But it is
permissible for a woman whose husband is short-tempered and there
is apprehension that if the salt etc. are not proper in the food he
is likely to be angry. It is not execrable for her to do so.
- It is execrable to crush anything in the mouth to
feed a baby. But if it is necessary and unavoidable then it is not
- To clean the mouth by crushing coal with teeth or
with tooth-powder is execrable and if any portion of it goes to the
throat, the fast is broken. But it is permissible to clean the mouth
with a Miswaak (tooth-stick) whether it is dry or fresh. If the
Miswaak is of Neem (Margo) and its bitterness is also felt in the
mouth, even then it is not execrable.
- If a woman was sleeping soundly or was unconscious and someone has had
intercourse with her, then her fast is broken and only a
compensatory fast is due but for the man both compensatory fast and
recompense is due.
- If anyone ate something in forgetfulness and thought
that the fast is broken and then ate deliberately then the fast is
lost and only compensatory fast is due and no recompense.
- If anyone vomited and thinking that the fast is
broken and then ate deliberately, then the fast is lost and only compensatory
fast is due.
- If anyone used Kuhl or oil or got himself bleeded
and presumed that the fast is broken and then ate deliberately, then both compensatory and
recompense become due.
- If during the Ramadhaan anyone's fast is broken accidentally,
it is not proper to eat or drink anything for the rest of the day.
He should behave as those who are fasting.
- If anyone did not resolve to fast in Ramadhaan and
continued to eat and drink, then no recompense will be due. It is
due only on breaking a fast without a legitimate cause after making
a resolve.
(eating something before dawn and breaking of last)