Thereafter clean those parts of the body thrice
where there is impurity of any kind.
Thereafter wash the private parts even if there is
no need.
Thereafter perform wuzoo in the Masnoon manner. If the waste
water is accumulating near the feet, then
do not wash the feet
now; wash
them later. However, if the water is flowing away rapidly, it is permissible
to wash them at this point too.
Now pour water over the head, then over the right shoulder followed by
the left shoulder, (to the extent that it reaches the whole body from head
to toe). Rub the body with the hands. Pour water a second time in the same manner over the head, then over the
right shoulder followed by the left shoulder. (Where there is fear of a particular part of
the body remaining dry, rub it with the hands causing the water to reach there. )
Thereafter pour water a third time in the same
manner from head to toe. (Tirmizi)
Note 1: Both actions, i.e. to dry the body with a cloth / towel or to leave it wet, are Masnoon,
so whichever of the two modes
you choose, make the intention of following the Sunnat.
Note 2: Salaat can be performed after the Ghusl. There is no need
to perform fresh wuzoo, regardless of the fact that one was naked during wuzoo
/Ghusl. (Tirmizi)
If the wuzoo
breaks after the Ghusl, then a fresh wuzoo will be necessary.
Ifdough has dried up on the nail
or nail polish has been applied, the water will not reach the nail; hence wuzoo and
Ghusl will not be valid. Generally,
there is excessive negligence
in this regard.