Certain instructions are given to the mureed at the time of bay’at.

  1. The qadhaa (fulfillment) of Salaat and Fasts which were omitted. The qadhaa should be executed by performing along with each daily Salaat a Qadhaa Salaat of the same time, e.g., along with the Adaa Maghrib Salaat, a Qadhaa Maghrib Salaat should be made. During Ishaa, the Witr omitted should also be made. In making the qadhaa only the Fardh and Witr are made. It is however preferable to perform a number of qadhaa Salaat collectively at one time or in a single day, e.g. the Qadhaa Salaat of several times or of several days. In this way quicker discharge of the obligation takes place.
  2. Discharging any monetary obligations of others if one is liable for such obligations. Such discharge is either by making the due payment or by obtaining the pardon of the one whose right is involved.
  3. Fully guarding the eyes, ears and the tongue; total abstention from haraam and mushtabih (doubtful) wealth; appearance, dress to be in conformity with the Sunnat; total abstention from innovation and un-Islamic customs and practices on occasions of happiness and sorrow; to refrain from unlawful methods in all affairs; to constantly bear in mind not to harm anyone by means of one's hand or tongue; not to hurt anyone; refraining from association; meeting according to need; and abstaining from unnecessary conversation.
  4. Constantly maintaining the Zikr of Kalimah Tayyibah, i.e. while walking, sitting, reclining and laying down. The way to do this is to continuously engage in reciting. Laa-Ilaaha illAllah After reciting if a few times, Muhammad-ur-Rasulullah should be added.
  5. After every Salaat recite Aayatul Kursi followed by Tasbeeh Faatimi. i.e. 33 times Subhaanallah ; 33 time Alhamdulillah ; and thirty four times Allahuakbar . If time affords then recite after Zuhr, Maghrib and Ishaa one Tasbeeh (100 times) the third Kalimah.
  6. After Ishaa Salaat, at the time of going to bed engage in muhasabah (self-reckoning) and muraaqabah-e-maut (contemplating death).

    Muhaasabah means to take stock or reckoning. Here it means to take stock of one's own deeds and activities. One should reflect over the entire day's acts and deeds. Upon recalling a noble act or an act of Ibaadat, express one's gratefulness (shukr) unto Allah Ta'ala and request for greater taufeeq (ability and inclination) to enhance virtue. Upon recalling one's evil or wrong doing, become regretful. This is the daily muhasabah incumbent upon the mureed.


    This means to think about the oncoming event of maut (death). Reflect about the pangs of death, the questioning in the grave, the Plain of Resurrection, the Reckoning in Qiyamat; the presence in the Court of Allah; crossing the Siraat, etc. All this has to be contemplated and a pledge is to be made that one will in future not venture near to sin. One tasbeeh (100 times) Istighfaar is then to be recited. The Istighfaar is:

    Subhaanallah -e- Wa-Bihamdihee Subhaanallah-il-Azeem. Astaghfirullah-al-Azeem Allazi La-ilaaha illa ho-wal Hayy-ul- Qayyoom

  8. Consider yourself to be the most inferior, so much so, that if you observe with your own eyes another indulging in the worst of vices then too you shall not despise him/her, nor shall you consider yourself nobler than him/her. On the contrary one should fear and bear in mind that it is very possible that the perpetrator of the vice may resort to sincere taubah and become a person of high piety while the one who had despised the sinner become ensnared (Allah forbid ! ) in the meshes of the nafs and shaitaan and be diverted from Ibaadat and obedience. One has no certainty regarding one's end. One, therefore, has no basis for regarding another with contempt.

Note: This instruction ( No. 7) is the first step in Sulook. Without taking this step, the Path of Tasawwuf remains closed.

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