- The mureed should believe that he
will attain his goal through the agency of his Shaikh.
If the mureed turns his attention elsewhere (i.e. towards another Shaikh while he remains
the mureed of one Shaikh)
he will be deprived of the spiritual grace and benefit of his Shaikh.
- The mureed should in all ways be
obedient to his Shaikh and render sincere and total
service to him. In the absence of the love of the Shaikh
there is no real benefit. The sign of love for the Shaikh
is immediate fulfillment of his orders. Never follow any act without his permission
because sometimes the Shaikh resorts to an act which
is appropriate for him in view of his rank and spiritual state, but the same act may be a
fatal poison for the mureed.
- Recite the zikr and the wazifaas which the Shaikh
instructs and refrain from all other forms of wazifaas.
- In the presence of the Murshid, the mureed should direct all his attention towards him. This
attention has to be to such a degree that the mureed
should not not perform even Salaat (in his presence) without his permission.
- Do not speak with anyone in his presence, in fact, do not pay attention
to anyone.
- Do not stretch the legs in the direction where the Murshid is seated even if he is not directly infront.
- Never lodge any objection against the Murshid.
If the mureed is unable to understand any act of the Murshid,
he should not entertain any misgiving, but should recall the episode of Hadhrat Musa
(Alayhis Salaam) and Hadhrat Khidr (Alayhis Salaam) and consider that some wisdom must be
underlying the act.
- Never desire the Murshid to display karaamat (miracles).
- If in any doubt, immediately discuss it with the Murshid. Should the doubt after having discussed it still
remains, consider it to be the result of your defective understanding. If the Murshid does not respond when the mureed puts forward his
doubt, he (mureed) should consider that he is yet not
capable of comprehending the explanation, hence the Murshid's
silence. He should await another opportunity for clarification.
- Inform the Murshid of dreams as well
as any interpretation of such dreams which come to your mind.
- The mureed should not without need
and without permission remain aloof from the Murshid.
- The mureed should not raise his
voice above that of the Murshid nor should he speak in
loud tones to the Murshid.
- When necessary, the mureed should
speak to the Murshid clearly and be brief and wait
with much attention for the reply.
- Narrate to others only that extent of the Murshid's
talks which is understandable to them. Do not narrate to others such words of the Murshid which they will not be able to comprehend.
- The mureed should not refute the
words of the Murshid even if it seems that the mureed is correct. The mureed
should hold the belief that the error of the Shaikh (Murshid) is superior to his (mureed's)
- The mureed should inform the Murshid constantly of his condition, whether good or bad. The Murshid is the Spiritual Practitioner and prescribes remedies
after being informed of the mureed's condition. The mureed should not maintain silence about his condition
depending upon the kashf (spiritual
inspiration) of the Murshid for realization of the mureed's condition. The mureed
has to systematically notify the Murshid of his
- The mureed should not engage in any wazeefah (zikr or form of recitation) while sitting in the
company of the Murshid. Such recitation should be in
the absence of the Murshid.
- Whatever Baatini Faiz (spiritual
blessing) accrues, the mureed should consider it to be
the consequence of the agency of the Murshid even if
in a dream or state of muraaqabah (meditation) it
appears that such blessing is from a different direction (other than the Shaikh). If in a spiritual state it appears that such Baatini Faiz accrued to the mureed via the agency of
another Saint, the mureed should consider that it is
some manifestation of his Mureed which has assumed the
form of another Saint.
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