The six Lateefah (spiritual faculties) in man are the Nafs, Qalb, Rooh, Sirr, Khafee and Akhfaa. Their effects are as follows:
The manifestation of the affects of these six faculties assume the following form in Salaat.
There are seven degrees in Salaat, viz., Salaat-e-Tan (body), Salaat-e-Nafs, Salaat-e-Qalb, Salaat-e-Rooh, Salaat-e-Sirr, Salaat-e-Khafee and Salaat-e-Akhfaa.
The effect of Salaat-e-Tan (body) is prohibition of sin; that of Salaat-e-Nafs is prevention of relationships other than the relationship of Allah; of Salaat-e-Qalb is negation of negligence; of Salaat-e-Rooh is prevention of the gaze from looking at others; of Salaat-e-Sirr prevention of the mind from wandering and turning to others besides Allah; of Salaat-e-Khafee is man's achieving the degree of spiritual development where reality becomes manifest to him; and, the effect of Salaat-e-Akhfaa is true communion with Allah Ta'ala. The experience of this stage is Mi'raaj.