This journey consists of two fundamental aspects, viz.,

When the Mureed becomes grounded in the acquisition of Maqaamaat, in the purification of the nafs and when he has achieved proficiency in the ways and means of acquiring lofty attributes and eradicating lower qualities, then upon him reaching the stage of Sair I値allaah the Shaikh confers on him the Mantle of Khilaafat and grants him Ijaazat (permission) to initiate others into the Path of Sulook.


Upon having attained the stage of Sair I値allaah, a special celestial glitter (Jilaa) and light (Noor) permeate the heart. The heart then is at all times dissociated from all things other than Allah. The heart is now truly engrossed with Allah Ta'ala. In this high stage of spiritual development, matters pertaining to Zaat (The Being of Allah), Sifaat (Attributes of Allah), Af'aal (Acts of Allah), Haqaa段q (Realities) as well as relationships between Allah and His servants become manifest. This then is termed Sair Fil-laah.

In the realm of Sair Fi値laah are no limits. Progress is infinite. Progress is proportional and continuous in relation to one's ability, engrossment with Allah Ta'ala and casting aside all motives irrespective of such motives pertaining to this world or the hereafter. When one has attained this rank, one attributes nothing to oneself.

The Shaikh appoints the Mureed as Mujaaz-e-Bay誕t (authorizes him to initiate mureeds and to attend to their spiritual affairs) after he (the Mureed) has attained the stage of Sair I値allaah. Sometimes the Shaikh delays this appointment until the Mureed has reached the stage of Sair Fil-laah. This appointment by the Shaikh of the Mureed at different stages of development is a matter confined entirely to the condition of the Mureed and the inclination (Zauq) of the Shaikh.

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