Zakaat - A cause of Famine
Buraydah radhiyallahu anhu relates that Rasoolullah
Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said,
"The nation that withholds Zakaat (i.e. does
not pay it), Allah afflicts famine on them".
Ibne Umar radhiyallahu anhumaa relates that Rasoolullah
Sallallahu alayhi wasallam once
"O Muhaajireen! there are five (dreadful) sins; if you fall into
these - and I take refuge in Allah from the evil of
these sins lest you fall into them - (you will face horrible disasters) "...
"Thirdly, if people stop paying Zakaat, rain will be withheld from them, and were it not for the animals, not a
single drop of rain would fall upon them."
A similar Hadeeth is also reported by Ibne Abbaas radhiyallahu anhumaa.
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