1- Zakaat is essential and compulsory
for one who possesses 612 grams of silver or about 88 grams of gold and
one year has Passed over it and remains with him unused or consumed. If
the quantity is less than this, then Zakaat
will not be compulsory.
2-If one had 90 grams of gold for four or six months
and then the quantity was reduced before the prescribed quantity and again
regained after two or three months then also Zakaat
will be essential. . Thus if in the beginning or at the end of year one
was rich and possessed the prescribed wealth and in the middle had less
than that for sometime, then Zakaat
is essential and one is not excused from its payment. But if the whole
wealth is lost and again he gets it, then the period of one shall
be counted from the day of regaining it.
3-One had wealth more than the prescribed limit, but
ode full year did not pass over it and was consumed before the end of the
year, then payment of Zakaat will not
be due.
4-If one has Rs.4000/- upon which Zakaat
is essential and he is also indebted for RS. 4000/-; then Zakaat
is not due upon him whether the amount remains with him for fun one year
or not.
5-If one has RS. 4000/- and is indebted for RS. 2000/- then Zakaat
will be due and essential for the remaining RS. 2000/-.
6-Zakat is also essential and due upon gold or silver ornaments, utensils
and silver or gold laces etc. whether they are in use or kept in a safe
and is never used. Thus on everything of gold or silver Zakaat is essential
provided that it is not less than the prescribed quantity.
7-If gold and silver is not pure but alloyed, that is if lead is mixed
with silver or brass with gold, then it should be judged whether
the quantity of silver or gold is greater than lead or brass in the alloy.
If the silver or gold is more, then the alloy will be treated as silver
or gold and Zakaat will be essential if it is in the prescribed quantity.
8-If one possesses some gold and some silver and neither of them is in
the prescribed quantity, but if the total price of both is equal to the
price of 612 grams of silver or 88 grams of gold, then Zakaat
will be essential, not due if less. But if both gold and silver arc in
prescribed quantity then there is no need to assess their value as Zakaat
is due upon it.
9- Suppose the rate of gold is Rs 4500/- per 10 gram and of silver RS.
100/- per 10 gram and one possesses 25 grams of gold and it remains with
him for full one year, then Zakaat
is due and essential on this gold because with the price of this gold i.e.
RS. 11250/- 1125 grams of silver can be purchased and the prescribed limit
of silver is 612 grams.
10-If one had few hundred rupees with him more than his
requirement and before the end of the year he received some more, then
the additional ' money will not be counted separately and at the end of
the year Zakaat on the entire sum will
be due and essential as if he had the entire amount for the whole year.