19-The second kind of loan is when neither
cash is lent nor anything of trade is sold, but sold ,wearing clothes or some of the
domestic goods and their price was realised after several years and its amount is such on
which Zakaat is due, then Whenever it is realised Zakaat is essential for all the years. But if the whole amount
is not realised at a time but is paid in instalments, then so long as RS. 700/- are
not realised Zakaat will not be due and whenever this
amount is received, Zakaat for all the years is
20-The third kind of Joan is that a wife's dowry is due towards the husband and it was
paid after several years. Then its Zakaat will be due
from the time it is realised but not of earlier when it was not paid by the husband,
provided that it remains with her for one full year.
21-If a wealthy man, liable for Zakaat, pays Zakaat before the end of year, then the payment is in order and
the obligation will be discharged. But if a person has no wealth but in the expectation of
receiving some wealth pays Zakaat in advance for
that wealth, then the Zakaat will not be in order.
When he gets the wealth and one full year passes over it, he should again pay Zakaat.
22-If a wealthy person pays Zakaat in advance for
several years, then it is permissible. But if any year the wealth increases than the
estimate for that year, then extra Zakaat shall have
to be paid.
23-One has one thousand rupees more than his need and expects to receive one
thousand rupees more and paid Zakaat for RS. 2000/-
before receiving the amount. It is in order. But if at the end of year the amount retrains
less than the prescribed limit (Nisaab), then Zakaat
is remitted and the amount paidwill be treated as Sadqa-e-Naafilah
i.e. an amount paid over andabove the obligation.
24 -A whole year passed over a man's wealth and before its Zakaat
was paid, the wealth ,vas stolen, then Zakaat is also
excused. But if he himself gave it away to someone or destroyed it intentionally, then the
due Zakaat shall have to be paid and it will not be
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