The Sunnah of Ibraahem alayhi salaam -the Qurbaani. It is to be performed on
10th, 11th or 12th Zil Hijjah. One may sacrifice a thousand animals on days other than
these, but it will never be regarded or considered a Qurbaani.
Here, a believer is taught a great lesson
that an action
or a place or a time does not hold any virtue in itself; but rather it is Allahs command and
order that changes the status, level and grade of things. Regarding
Qurbaani, the Prophet saIlallahu
alayhi wasallam said:
"There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Qurbaani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on (he Day of judgement) with its horn, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart."
Tirmizi V1 pp275, Ibne Maajah V1 pp226
Allah taaalaa bless us with spiritual gains and His Pleasure in these blessed moments. Aameen.