The Aadaab of the Masjid
Do not perform Salaat in such a place in the Masjid that the free movement of the Musallees is impended, e.g. performing Salaat at the entrance, thus preventing others from passing. Take up a position near to the Qiblah wall in a corner.
Do not unnecessarily stand immediately behind someone's back to perform Salaat. The person in front is perturbed by this action.
When removing your shoes, do not shove aside the shoes of others nor remove their shoes from a place in order to put your shoes there. The place occupied by the shoes of a person is the Haqq (right) of that person. On emerging from the Masjid if he does not find his shoes there, he will become worried.
Enter the Masjid with the right foot, reciting the Masnoon du'aa. When leaving, come out with the left foot, reading the appropriate Masnoon du'aa.
Maintain silence inside the Masjid and sit respectfully. Before sitting down, perform two rakaat Tahiyyatul Masjid Salaat. When visiting the same Masjid several times during the day, performance of Tahiyyatul Masjid once will suffice.
Do not stare about the Masjid. You are in the Court of Allah Ta'aala , hence sit with fear and humility, engaging yourself in Salaat or Zikr.
Do not recite anything loudly inside the Masjid. This disturbs and distracts the Musallees.
Do not indulge in worldly conversation.
Do not become involved in any worldly activity, e.g. buying, selling, worldly meeting, in the Masjid.
Do not enter the Masjid without Wudhoo.
Maintain silence even in the Wudhoo Khaanaah (ablution block).
Be dressed properly and respectfully when coming to the Masjid. (Some people enter the Masjid with T-shirts, denims or some other disrespectful and unlawful style of dress. This is highly disrespectful and is a violation of the sanctity of the Masjid.)
The Mu'takif (one who is in I'tikaaf) should not pass wind inside the Masjid. He should go outside just as he does when having to answer the call of nature.
The Masjid should not be used as a short-cut to get to the other side. This is not permissible.
Items which have a bad odour, e.g. tobacco, fish etc., should not be brought inside the Masjid. Similarly, after having eaten garlic or onions one should not enter immediately. First cleanse the mouth thoroughly. The same applies to those who smoke.
Acts rendered for worldly purposes are not deeds of thawaab. Such activities should not be carried out inside the Masjid. This applies to even writing of such ta'weez which are for worldly purposes.
It is disrespectful to unnecessarily climb on top of the Masjid.
The Imaam of the Masjid, after having given the Adhaan, should not go to another Masjid for Jamaa'at Salaat, even if he happens to be the sole musallee present, he should perform his Salaat alone in the Masjid. His Salaat in his Masjid is superior because, to populate a Masjid is nobler than performing Salaat with Jamaa'at.
Do not utilise haraam wealth or haraam objects in the Masjid.
Sometimes spray perfume inside the Masjid. (NB. It is not permissible to use perfumes containing alcohol).
Do not use the Masjid to make worldly announcements, e.g. for a lost item.
Whenever you have the opportunity, go to the Masjid and engage in Deeni acts, such as Zikrullah, Tilaawat, Nafl Salaat, etc.
It is not permissible to remove any of the Masjid's items or goods for personal use. All the property of the Masjid is Waqf. Every musallee has an equal right in the use of the Masjid items.
The Aadaab of Things in General Use