The Aadaab of Illness, lyaadat and Ta'ziyyat
to visit the sick.
Taaziyyat()is to visit
the home of the deceased, to console relatives.
If a person suffers from an illness, wound, sore, boil, etc. located in the region of his private parts, do not ask him about the nature of the illness, etc. It is very embarrassing to do so.
Do not express yourself in the presence of the sick or his family in a manner which makes them lose hope in life. Comfort them by telling them that, Inshaa'Allah, all difficulties will come to an end.
Should you obtain some information regarding injury, illness or death of a person, do not speak about it until you have reliably confirmed it, especially as far as his relatives are concerned. Never inform them without confirmation. If the information was false, unnecessary consternation and grief would have been caused.
If medical treatment has been exhorted, one should adopt it.
Do not use haraam (Unlawful) ingredients in medicine. (Where a pure and Halaal (Lawful) medicine is not available, it will be permissible to use a medicine containing haraam ingredients.)
Never use taweez (talismans) which are in conflict with the Sharee'ah.
Superstition is a kind of shirk. Hence abstain from this.
If the indisposed person is suffering from such an ailment which causes inconvenience to people, he should remain aloof from them.
Do not force the indisposed person to eat much.
A person visiting the sick should not linger around much. He should not engage in unnecessary conversations nor should he enquire from the indisposed person the details of his illness. The sick person is inconvenienced by such behaviour.
Do not inform far off relatives of slight ailments. This creates unnecessary anxiety.
Some people never bother to visit the sick. This is not correct. There is great thawaab in visiting the sick.
It is improper for a
physician to inform the patient that his illness cannot be remedied or that all hope
is lost. Some
even specify a time limit for the patient s life.
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