Besides having the Qur'aan committed to memory, the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) made special arrangements to have the Qur'aan committed
to writing as well. Zayd Ibne
(radhiyallahu anhu) says: "I used to write down the words of wahee for him. When wahee came to him he felt burning with heat and the drops of
perspiration would start rolling down on his body like pearls. When
this state would go away from him, I would present myself before him with shoulder-bone or
a piece (of something else). He would go on dictating and I would go on writing. When I
would be finished with writing, the shear weight of copying the Qur'aan would give
me the feeling that my leg is going to break and that I will never be able to walk. In any
case, when I would be
finished with writing, he would say: 'Read.' I would read it back to him if there
was a shortcoming, he would have it corrected and then let it be known to people.
(Majma'uz Zawaa'id with reference to Tabraani)
Besides Zayd
Ibne Thaabit (radhiyallahu anhu), there were many other Companions who carried out the duty of committing the
wahee to writing. Some of those who can be specially mentioned, in addition to the four rightly guided Khulafaa, are Ubayi Ibne Ka'b, Zubayr Ibne Awwaam, Mu'aawiyah, Mugheerah Ibne Shu'bah, Khaalid Ibne Waleed,
Thaabit Ibne Qays, Abaan Ibne Sa'eed
and others
radhiyallahu anhum.
(Fat'hul Baari)
(Fat'hul Baari, Zaadul Ma'aad)
Since paper was not available in Arabia during those days, therefore, these Qur'aanic verses were mostly written on stone slabs, parchments, date branches, bamboo units, tree leaves and animal bones. However, at times, paper pieces have also been used.
Thus, there existed, during the time of the Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam),
a copy of the Noble Qur'aan which he had arranged to be committed to writing under his supervision.
Although, it was not there as a formally prepared book, but it certainly was there in the
form of various units of available writing materials. Along with it, it was also the
practice of some revered Companions that they would make copies of the Qur'aanic verses
and keep them for personal recollection. This practice was common since the very early
period of Islaam. Accordingly, much before Umar
anhu) embraced Islaam, his sister and brother-in-law had in their
possession verses of the Qur'aan which they had written and kept in a book form.
(Seerah Ibne Hishaam)
IN THE PERIOD OF ABOO BAKR (radhiyallahu anhu)