Great merit and credit has been ascribed to fasts in the Traditions and one who keeps fast is in great esteem to Allah. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said that one who keeps fast in the month of Ramadhaan for the sake of Allah, all of his sins of  the past are forgiven by Him and that the adour of the mouth of one who  fasts is most appreciable to Allah than the smell of musk. Unlimited reward for fasting shall be given by Allah on the day of  Judgement. Tradition says that on the Day of Judgement  a very long cloth shall be spread under the Seat (Arsh) of Allah for those who used to keep fasts in the world and they will eat there on, while others will remain engaged in their statement of account. They will ask as to who are those persons eating there while they themselves are yet engaged, in their account. They will be told that these people used to keep fasts.
Fast is one of the tenets of Islaam and one who will not keep fasts shall commit a sin and his Deen (faith) will become weak.

  1.  Keeping  fasts is obligatory for every Muslim who is not insane or minor. It is not proper to give up fasts without legitimate cause. One who vows to fast then it becomes obligatory for him and keeping of Missed or compensatory fasts is also obligatory.
  2. Besides the above mentioned ones other fasts are Nafl and keeping them would be rewarded and it is not a sin not to keep them. But fasting on Eid days or three days after Eid-ul-Adh’haa are prohibited.
  3.  According to Shari’ah (religious code) to abstain  from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse from the time of  Fajr till sun-set with an intent, is called fast.
  4. It is not essential to express the intent in words, a resolve to keep a fast and not eat or drink anything in sexual intercourse for the whole day, completes a fast. It is better to say, "O Allah I will keep fast tomorrow for sake" or say in Arabic :
    1. Wabi Sawmi Ghadin Nawaytu Min Shahri Ramadhaan.

  5. If anyone did not eat or drink and remained thirsty and hungry throughout the whole day but did not resolve for a fast in the heart, then it will not be a fast. Had there been an intent, then it would have been a fast.
  6. According to religious code (Shari’ah) the time of Fast begins from early dawn and up to that time eating, drinkin etc. is allowed. Some persons take Sahri (eat something) in the later part of night and go to sleep and think that nothing should be eaten or drunk after the resolve or intent. This is not correct. They may eat or drink up to early dawn ,whether resolved or not.