- If anyone vows to keep a fast, then it is essential
for him to observe it and non-observance would be a sin.
- The vow is of two kinds---One is specification of
day and date as to say that if Allah accomplishes his desire today
then he will keep a fast Tomorrow. Or to say that if his business
is accomplished by Allah he will keep a fast on the day after or on
Friday. In such a vow if the resolve of the fast is made in the
previous night or on the very day one hour before mid-day, then it
would be proper in both the cases.
- If one vowed to keep a fast on Friday and on Friday
he only resolved to keep fast without specification whether it is
the fast of the vow or a Nafl fast, even then the obligation of the
vow would be discharged. But if on that Friday he resolved to keep
a compensatory missed fast and forgot the vowed fast or
deliberately resolved for a missed fast, then the fast of the vow
would remain due and only the compensatory missed would he
- The other kind of vow is that no day or date is specified
and only vowed that if such and such business is accomplished by
Allah, he will fast for one day or did not name any business and
only resolved to keep five fasts, then in such vow making of
resolve in the previous night, is essential. It resolved in the
morning then it would be treated as a Nafl fast and the fast of the
vow would remain due.