When leaving home
to go to Masjid or elsewhere, read the following du'aa with concern:
Bismillaahi, tawakkaltu
alallaahi, walaa haula walaa quwwata illaa billah
I have come out
in the Name of Allah. I have put my
trust inAllah. There is no power to refrain from sins and no strength
to worshipHimwithout the Help ofAllah.
It is stated in a
Hadeeth that whoever reads this du'aa upon leaving the home, Shaytaan
abstains from misleading or inflicting harm to him.
Whilst going to
the Masjid,
proceed calmly and do not be hasty.
When returning
home from Masjid or elsewhere, say salaam to the occupants of the house and recite the following du'aa:
Allaahumma innee as'aluka
khayral maulaji wa khayral makhraji, Bismillaahi walajnaa wa Bismillaahi kharajnaa wa
alallaahi rabbinaa tawakkalnaa
O Allah! I ask you for
the goodness and blessing of entering and leaving. Only withAllah's Name we enter and with Allah's Name we leave. And we rely only on Allah, our Rabb.
(Aboo Daawood)
On entering
a market / shopping center recite the following words:
Laa ilaaha illallaahu
wahdahu Laa shareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa hayyul Laa
yamootu, biyadihil khayr wa huwa alaa kulli shay'in qadeer
There is no deity
except Allah, the Only One. Hehas no partner. ToHimbelongs all kingdom and toHimbelongs all praise. Heis the One who gives life and death. AndHeis Ever-living
and no death comes to Him. InHisHand lies all good andHehas power over everything. It is reported in a
Hadeeth that for reciting these words, Allah
Taaalawill record one million good deeds, forgive one million sins, elevate the
status a million times and build a house for him in Jannah. (Mishkaat)